free writing guide



Maybe you find yourself here because you want to take the stress out of your ambitions, make progress on your life goals, and learn strategies for long-term creative abundance. But you struggle with limiting beliefs, critical thoughts, and frustrating patterns. Creative abundance is an inner experience before it’s an outer experience. When you have an inspiring thought, idea, or impulse, it becomes a seed that you can plant and grow. But the seed will only grow if you believe in its possibilities, water it, speak life into it. The exercises in this guide help you open mental pathways to develop a more flexible, creative mindset.

A creative mindset helps you: 

  • Open your eyes to abundance in all its forms

  • Become a more flexible thinker able to access new possibilities 

  • Alleviate rumination, anxiety, stress, and hopelessness

  • Discover the lessons you need to learn to evolve

  • Cultivate self-love, compassion, and resilience

  • Practice responding to challenges and obstacles differently

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