voice and vision writing workshop
“The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.” — Neil Gaiman
voice and vision self-discovery WORKSHOP … $55
Next Offering: TBD
What prevents us from recognizing our gifts, expressing ourselves authentically, and living the lives we say we want? This three-hour workshop explores the inner and outer influences that affect how we design our lives and express ourselves creatively. Often we silence parts of ourselves and suppress our true desires to fit in with other people’s expectations, and we find ourselves leading busy lives in which we work hard to be productive and still feel unfulfilled.
Through a combination of self-discovery and storytelling exercises, we will explore ways to manage discomfort and bring more authentic expression into our lives through our daily habits and the lifestyle choices we make.
The Voice and Vision Workshop will guide you through:
recognizing the inner & outer influences on your voice & vision so you can decide what to keep and what to release
cultivating the feeling of alignment between voice & vision and exploring ways to create it in every aspect of your life
reassessing your personal definition of purpose so you can visualize new realities and shape new narratives
The practice of writing cultivates self-honesty, which leads TO ALIGNMENT AND personal transformation.
As a creative coach and workshop facilitator, I help people let go of old stories about who they are and develop new narratives that promote greater overall well-being and creativity.
My workshops are ideal for writers, artists, creatives, and purpose-seekers who:
… are particularly interested in deep reflection, creative self-discovery, and personal narrative.
… are feeling uninspired and disconnected from the work they do in the world.
… want to be more fully expressed in their lives and want to explore how writing can help them achieve that.
… have stories they want to tell and ideas they want to share in a creative, supportive environment.
… want to stop holding in and holding out for the ‘perfect’ words and start writing from the heart.
Sometimes we think about purpose as a specific goal or outcome — a job, role, label, or calling. And the pressure to find this specific result makes purpose seem like an elusive thing. But walking in purpose is a matter of being true to who you are, trusting your inner guidance and the path it reveals to you.
Steven Pressfield talks about this in The War of Art: “Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be but to find out who we already are and become it.”
The world is constantly pulling at us and we have to know who we are to navigate the pressure without losing ourselves. When we allow ourselves to be silenced by the inner and outer voices that criticize, ignore and underestimate us, we can’t find our way to the places where our voices and visions are most needed.
I used to think I had too many fears, doubts, inner conflicts and insecurities to trust my inner voice and follow my callings, but I found a glimmer of hope when I started writing. The truths I discovered there spilled out into my life, and transformation followed.
Writing has been the lifeblood of my healing journey, my way of aligning my heart and mind and soul. That alignment has led to changing careers, becoming an author, and creating a livelihood of storytelling, coaching, consulting, and facilitating.
The Voice and Vision workshop uses self-discovery and storytelling exercises to coach you through the art of being honest with yourself to access your true callings and desires.
For a long time, I lived my life under the perception that the pursuit of perfection would lead me happiness. It was one of many stories I told myself that kept me from feeling free.
Let's say perfection is this vision of our lives that we create, a story we tell ourselves about the way things are supposed to be. My idea of perfection is surely quite different from yours, but it's all based on wanting things to go our way. When we seek perfection, we are really seeking an image that makes us feel in control.
In my experience, chasing perfection created a pattern of constantly performing and seeking approval. Life was about avoiding embarrassment, not embracing my truth.
As long as we carry this hidden belief that we have to pretend and perform to survive, we won’t give ourselves permission to explore our higher instincts.
Believing that perfection will bring happiness is one of many hidden beliefs that we must release so we can embrace this life experience and start showing up exactly as we are.
What stories are you telling yourself that keep you from feeling free?
We’ll explore some of these stories together in the Voice and Vision workshop.
the people, experiences, and opportunities that you attract through being emotionally honest are the most meaningful and grow you the most.
Once you register, you will receive a download that includes the details to access the online workshop. You will also receive a reminder the day before the workshop.
Come prepared with your favorite analog or digital tools for writing. You can participate with your video and audio turned on or just audio. The session will include my prepared presentation, interactive writing exercises, discussion, and group coaching.
The day after your session, you will receive a link to the replay video and presentation slides. Replay videos are password-protected and available temporarily only to workshop participants.
In this workshop, we will acknowledge the influences that cloud our awareness and distract us from our internal guidance.
and we will explore ways to bring more authentic expression into our lives through our daily habits and the lifestyle choices we make.
…self-care creates the ideal environment for creativity to thrive.
.. address the limiting beliefs and fears that are in the way, so the unique perspective that is already inside of you can be revealed and elevated.
… show you practical ways to infuse your unique writing voice into your current life, career, and social presence.
… provide a safe space for connection, inspiration, and accountability between writers.
My guidance includes practical insights and techniques from my experience as a blogger, author, creative coach, and storytelling consultant; as well as personal growth and mindset strategies from my experience as a self-care strategist and author.
With this perspective, I present my clients with a holistic view of the creative process that includes self-discovery work, journaling techniques, self-care strategies, idea generation tools, and storytelling methods to boost creativity on a day-to-day basis.
I add value by helping you access the truth and vulnerability needed to trust your creative callings and be the storyteller you want to be.
photo: TraciElaine Photography
There are no refunds if you register and are unable to attend the workshop, but if you have a problem or concern about your purchase, please contact me and we can discuss your situation. In most cases, I offer a credit that can be used at a later date for another workshop.
I have a minimum enrollment requirement of 5 registrants. If enrollment is not met 3-5 days before the workshop date, the workshop may be canceled a minimum of 3 business days prior to the workshop. In this case, all registrants receive a full refund.