12 ways to trust the creative process
Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash
Hey there,
People often say to trust the process, but what does that actually mean? What does that phrase mean to you on a deeply personal level?
Every one of us who hears these words will interpret them differently and the concept can apply in a myriad of ways. As someone who grew up as a high-achieving student, I grew up focused on results, not processes. It's not that I didn't have processes, study habits, note-taking strategies, etc. but those things didn't give me the rush of dopamine that good grades gave me. So being unaware of cause + effect and the importance of habits, I moved from my formal education into my career with my attention fixed on external results and validation.
I soon discovered that the temporary high of results is not as satisfying if you aren't acknowledging the process— the courage, focused work, and commitment— that it took for you to get there. We give our results too much power. Day to day, we give results the power to change our whole mood; and long-term, we even let results change the way we think about our vision for our lives and what's possible for us.
For example, if you've ever tried out for a team, or went after a new job, or set any kind of goal for yourself, and failed the first time, you either kept trying or you quit. If you were fully grasping and applying what it means to trust the process, and the goal is something that matters deeply to you, you would take that 'No' to mean 'Not yet' and you would keep trying, keep going, keep trusting where the process leads you.
What does that look like? Trusting the process is:
1— Having a goal, dream, or desire and believing that this vision is yours for a reason
2— Understanding that everything has a gestation period whether it's an idea or a dream or a physical thing
3— Believing the big picture will be worth the discomfort and uncertainty of tending to the details
4— Creating a plan and taking inspired action in spite of opposition and skepticism
5— Committing to emotional wellness and self-care to build long-term resilience
6— Cultivating your craft and seeking out education and opportunities
7— Integrating life lessons and using what you learn each step of the way
8— Knowing that value-based habits lead to small wins that lead to big accomplishments
9— Appreciating all forms of growth and abundance that flow to you along the way
10— Being focused on what you can learn and the value you can add by rising to the occasion
11— Knowing that invisible forces are helping you
12— Embracing both the messy and meticulous parts of the work
Trusting the process is realizing that you actually spend more time in life working towards goals than in the big moments of accomplishment. I have many goals I haven't reached yet but by seeking alignment and making changes to pursue those goals, I've added healthier, more fulfilling habits to my life which makes every day a little win, instead of delaying enjoyment and happiness while waiting for a big win.
I hope this message helps you recommit to whatever process you are in right now! Do you have a creative calling or goal that you can’t seem to start, continue, or finish? Learn more about the Reclaim Creative Coaching Program.
With gratitude,
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